Stay Connected

It’s July 2020 and we are 5 months into a global pandemic. We are becoming weary with wearing masks and practicing social distance. While we have found new ways to connect via Zoom meetings, webinars, conference calls and LiveStream technology, we are missing the value of human connection. We lament the cancellation of summer vacations and summer gatherings filled with good food, good music, friends and family.

Connectivity is the state or quality of being connected. It suggests that we do not exist outside of our communities and our communities do not exist outside of our influence.  We are more powerful when we connect around the right agenda, motives and purpose. We each bring something unique to the table that adds value to our community.

My life is rich because of my connections with other women. One of the things I value most is the unselfish sharing of information and resources. I welcome opportunities to assist women in being successful in business, entrepreneurship, and life in general. I cherish moments to laugh, cry and rejoice as we share candidly from our stories of struggle and triumph and life lessons that strengthen and empower us.

During this pandemic, I encourage you to find safe ways to connect while practicing social distance. Avoid the temptation to isolate yourself and remain connected to communities that fresh you. Find a group of positive people and connect on common goals or similar passions. Be your authentic self and give others permission to show up as their authentic selves. Trust what’s inside of you, pour out freely because there is a community of women who value connecting with you.

Stay Connected…

Dr. Toni

Ebony Steiner