Tables… A Reflection on Women’s Histories

This week, I had the privilege of sitting at the table with a dynamic group of women in ministry. As I observed our interactions with one another, I thought, about the power of connecting with empowering women who own their unique power to lead. One of my takeaways from the meeting was the idea that women are more powerful when we build tables of connectivity and purpose.

Connectivity is the state or quality of being connected. It suggests that we do not exist outside of our communities and our communities do not exist outside of our influence.  We each bring something unique to the table and without the uniqueness that each person brings our communities are impoverished.

Tables represent the opportunity to engage in the unselfish sharing of information and resources that assist people in being successful in business, education, ministry, entrepreneurship, and life in general. Tables provide space to laugh, cry, and rejoice as we gather to share candidly from our unique stories of struggle and triumph.

During Women’s History Month, many women will be lauded for their achievements and contributions to society.  Women will be honored for their accomplishments in the community and workplace. As we celebrate women’s histories, let’s remember to:

  • Build tables of connectivity around common goals or similar passions and purpose.

  • Bring our authentic selves to each table we are afforded the opportunity to sit at or build.

  • Trust what’s inside of us knowing that our communities are better because of our presence at the table.

  • Build bigger tables and invite women of different backgrounds, experiences, and worldviews to join us at the table.

  • Advocate, speak up and defend those who are not at the table because of life circumstances and systemic injustices.

  • Celebrate the gifts, opportunities and uniqueness of other women and remain open to what they bring to the table.


May we build bigger tables this year,

Dr. Toni

Ebony Steiner